Belt Lipectomy | Body Lift of Seattle Bellevue
Performed by Dr. Tarak Patel Body Contouring Plastic Surgeon
Trust the same Surgeon that a Former Pro Cheerleader & so many people have done in Prestigious University of Washington Trained, Published Clinical Author & Plastic Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel. See his Real Patient Testimonials.
Our Featured Testimonial for Dr. Tarak Patel
"Dr. Tarak Patel changed my life for the better by augmenting my breasts. He's the definition of a perfectionist and does absolutely impeccable work."
Body lift otherwise known as Belt Lipectomy is a procedure that extends a Tummy Tuck around to your back region in order to re-suspend your tummy, back, part of your buttocks and the sides of your thighs. In essence it is a 360 degree Tummy Tuck where the skin and fat are taken away to contour your stomach area and your lower body. It is like pulling up your pants along with tightening the skin and tissue around your stomach. Liposuction can also be combined with a body lift in certain body types where it is indicated. This is a very powerful procedure in terms of changing your physique. It can make a dramatic change in your lifestyle and appearance. There is upper and lower body lifts.
What is Upper Body Lift and Lower body Lift?
A Upper Body Lift involves removing the skin and soft tissue in the upper part of the back. The incision is horizpontal in the upper back and this technique is used if the upper back has significant excessive tissue or rolls. The Lower Body Lift on the other had will not have affect the contour of the upper back as much. The benefit of the Lower Body Lift is contouring the abdomen and lower to mid back area. Dr. Tarak Patel will be able to determine what procedure you need to fit your goals and needs. At times both techniques are required.
What is Fleur-Di-Lis Abdominoplasty | Tummy Tuck?
The Fleur-Di-Lis Abdominoplasty involves and addition al incision in the midline of the tummy that connects with the traditional tummy tuck incision that is horoizontal in the bikini line. Why is this necessary? Those candidates with severe amounts of excess skin may require this incision in order to fully contour the wasitline to the desired goal. Dr. Tarak Patel will determin at the time of consultation whether this additional incision is required to meet your goals.
How will I know if I'm a candidate?
You should have excess skin and/or fat around your tummy area as well your back. You should also be relatively healthy. Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel will assess your health more fully during your preoperative appointment and whether you are a good candidate for this procedure.
How much does a Body Lift | Belt Lipectomy| cost?
The total cost of surgery usually includes 3 main components;
1. Surgeon’s fee
2. Facility/Hospital fee and
3. Anesthesia fees.
Fees may be given to you as separate or all included.
Price for procedures can vary based on many factors.
How do I prepare for Body Lift surgery?
Safety is the number one priority with any surgery. In preparation for your Belt Lipectomy surgery you should have your expectations and desired outcomes set, your medical and surgical history reviewed as well as any medications you are taking. All this is completed during the consultation with our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel. Most importantly medications that thin your blood can increase bleeding risk during or after your Belt Lipectomy surgery. You can find some of these common medications to avoid by clicking here: Medications to Avoid. Some over the counter medications or herbal medications may also contribute to blood thinning and increase bleeding risk. During your consultation, these medications will be reviewed and discussed in more detail with regards to stopping them. Sometimes, these medications may involve consulting your primary care provider on whether this is safe to do or not.
What is the postoperative care after Body Lift surgery?
After your lower Body Lift, our plastic surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel will contact you and keep a close follow up during the initial phase. Instructions regarding wound care, drain care and postoperative medications will be reviewed with you in detail. Monitoring of your progress after surgery is very important. Complications although uncommon can occur early or later in the postoperative course. We encourage patients to contact us immediately if there are any concerns after surgery.
Can a Body Lift be combined with other Procedures?
A Body Lift can be combined with other procedures such as liposuction of the mons area or upper back. The body lift is one of the longer body contouring procedures. One must consider the anesthesia time involved and safety of combining procedures. For example a armlift or thigh lift at the same operation. Generally it is safer to stage these procedures - meaning doing them at different times as seperate procedures.
What are the possible complications after Body Lift surgery?
Wound breakdown
Loss of skin
Altered sensation to the area
Contour irregularity
Risks of the procedure are outlined above and will be discussed with you in detail at the time of your consultation. Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel encourages you to have questions ready and is always available to answer questions regarding your safety in terms of procedure and anesthetic risks.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC