Thigh Lift | Leg Lift
By Seattle's University of Washington & State University of New York Trained, Theodore C. Jewitt M.D. Goldstar & , Published Clinical Author & Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel
Our Featured Thigh Lift Testimonials for Dr. Tarak Patel
More of Thigh Lift Leg Lifting:
A Thigh Lift recontours your thigh by reducing extra skin, fat and tissue. This procedure is designed to achieve smoother skin and more aesthetically pleasing contour for your thighs and lower body. This is most indicated if you have cosmetic issues that have not responded to weight loss and exercise. Sometimes a liposuction can reduce the extra fat and you may not need a thigh lift. In this case, you should have good skin elasticity which usually occurs in people who are 50 or less. If you skin does not have good elasticity, you may require the Thigh Lift Surgery to reduce the extra skin that may result from liposuction. Liposuction is often combined with a Thigh lift for the best contour of your lower body and thigh region. Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Patel will determine how much excess skin you have and the need for thigh lift surgery versus liposuction alone of the thighs.
Am I a candidate for Thigh Lift?
Candidates for thigh lift have a reasonable amount of excess skin and fat that cannot be removed by other techniques or diet and exercise. Skin and fat on the inner or outer thighs that is sagging or loose. Patients that have lost significant weight and now have loose skin. Thigh lift surgery may be a component of body contouring of other areas which include tummy, arms, back or breasts. Nonsmokers are ideal candidates who generally in good overall health.
Thigh Lift Costs
Thigh Lift Costs and Pricing by Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery and Dr. Patel:
What factors iProuence Thigh lift Pricing Costs:
Costs may vary based on how much skin laxity and how much tissue needs to be removed. Larger amount of tissue can mean increase operative times. Other factors included type of thigh lift technique for example medial or inner though lift vs outer thigh lift. Or a thigh lift that has a longitudinal extension down the thigh towards the knee.
Does pricing include follow up care?
Pricing usually includes a reasonable amount of follow up care. Follow up is not usually everyday for a year. There are set times that we usually have people come back. Post procedure day 1, and 6-7 are usual time points. Then we usually see you 4-5 weeks later and then 5-6 months later. If there are any concerns, we will have you come in more often. Dr. Patel tailors his follow up to each patient’s needs and progress.
Thigh lift Recovery
It is important that after your thigh lift surgery you do not engage in strenuous activities. Walking is good and upper extremity movements are fine. The incisions involved in a thigh lift procedure can stretch or widen over time. They are also prone to separation. Limiting tension in this area is ideal for wound healing a thigh lift. Drains may be placed depending on how much tissue was removed. These drains general stay in for 1- 2 weeks. The output of fluid from the drains should be monitored daily. Our Plastic surgeon Dr. Patel will remove your drains when the time is right. There are no sutures to be removed from the incision. It may take a few weeks to get back to your daily routine.
What are the possible complications after Thigh Lift surgery?
Wound breakdown
Loss of skin
Altered sensation to the area
Contour irregularity
Revision surgery
Risks of the procedure are outlined above and will be discussed with you in detail at the time of your consultation. Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Patel encourages you to have questions ready and is always available to answer questions regarding your safety in terms of procedure and anesthetic risks.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC