Beauty Theory Advantage of Seattle Bellevue
Learn About Seattle's Award Winning Dr. Young's Theory on Beauty. Scroll down to Learn why Beauty is not Vanity but is based on our Strong Desire for Order in our Lives.
Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery's Beauty Theory Advantage: On this page we will discuss how Dr. Young's Theory on Beauty gives our Cosmetic Surgery Team the Advantage You need to get the best results available. On the Facial Plastic Boards, Dr. Young scored the number one score on the written exam in the country. He has used this same effort, perseverance, and thoughtful pursuit in trying to make our team and office the best in the world. Before starting on our Theory on Beauty, we will talk about why we exist. Everything starts with Why.
Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery is dedicated to getting you the best results. Sometimes knowing the why is the most important part of any business, person, or thing. Why do we exist? Some of this stems from our mission statement: "We are facial and body plastic surgery experts who set ourselves apart with our passion to get the best and most natural results through the fusion of traditional thoughts with innovation and thinking outside of the box. Our mission is to put all of our love into the procedures we do and take care of people as if they were our closest friends and family. We want to deliver unwavering quality care to improve people's lives through Facial Body Plastic Surgery and the YoungVitalizer." In a word, our why is to take care of people like they were our closest friends and family and in doing so getting the best and most natural results available. Ultimately, we search to let love rule all the things we do.
This quest started during Dr. Young's training in Beverly Hills. During this time, as we have all seen in the media, Plastic Surgery seemed to come short in the getting the most natural results. We are not bringing this up to say that people didn't do their best. On the contrary, they probably worked harder than the hardest working people out there. What might have been missing was knowledge. During Dr. Young's time in Los Angeles, he wanted to make a difference and found his passion in studying facial beauty. This cumulated, ultimately, during his Facial Plastic Surgery Fellowship when he discovered a New Theory on Facial Beauty. Why is this important? Well, like an architect commissioned to start a house without a blueprint, good results will be hard to achieve. For Plastic Surgery, having a blueprint, a theory on facial beauty, is paramount. Read his theory here Theory called the Circles of Prominence here: Facial Beauty Theory.
Why Beauty is not vanity but one of our most deepest, most impactful traits?
Our Desire for Order in Our Lives is the same as Our Desire for Beauty: As humans, we are made up of 60 trillion cells. To begin with, there is incredible complexity within a single cell. Imagine the complexity of 60 trillion cells. There is a lot of order in these connections of 60 trillion cells. In turn, humans have a high desire for order in their lives. It is in our genes. We can't escape it. As such, this high preference for order is the same reason we are so attracted to beauty. Beauty is just order in the face.
How does this appreciation for order translate to our passion for beauty? Take for instance the box below. If you were to ask a large number of people where they would place the circle within that box, almost a 100% will likely want that right in the middle. Why, it is comfortable there. Anything else brings tension to the relationship. Anything else will remind someone of all the out of order things in their lives, like not graduating, getting hit by a car and other bad things.
This same preference for order in the box is analogous to 3 dots within an oval as shown in the picture below, an oval much like the oval shape of the face:
What do those ovals represent? They are the eyes, nose and mouth. They have to be balanced with respect to one another to satisfy a basic order in the face, perhaps the biggest level of order. Each circle is more specifically the iris, nasal tip and the center of the lower lips. The nose, eye and mouth units are centered and emanate from those central, primary circles of prominence.
Is there an Ideal in the Face for a Facial Beauty Theory to even Find? This can be perhaps the first question we could have asked. After all, if there isn't an ideal then it would be pretty hard to find an ideal and thus a universal theory. To address this, one could propose that if you were to ask someone if you could say that one person is pretty than another then you are essentially agreeing to an ideal. Meaning that when you agree that there is differences in beauty between individuals you are essentially agreeing to a continuum that have at the extremes the most unattractive and the most attractive, or the ideal. Most people would be able to say from individuals that there are grades of pretty. Hence, we do believe there is an ideal.
With the idea that there is an ideal, we can then start to see if we can define that ideal and see if there is a universal theory that can explain beauty and that ideal. Firstly, if there is an ideal face it is likely that everything in the face has an ideal. Hence each shape, distance and size will likely also have an ideal. So how do we determine this? One clue could be found based on what we all look at when we see a face. Based on eye movements when someone looks at a face, we find that people look at the eyes the most. This sounds pretty obvious right? When we talk with someone we typically look them in the eye. Specifically what we look at most is the colored part of the eye. Previous theories such as Leonardo da Vinci, the golden ratio, etc. had a strong basis on external landmarks on the face that we just didn't spend too much time looking at. A theory based on what we don't look it will have a hard time finding the answer to facial beauty. Studies more recently have shown this to be true. Leonardo da Vinci and the neo classical canons fall short of describing what we find beautiful. To find the answer we need to base our ideas on what people look at the most. The Circles of Prominence hypothesizes that because we spend so time looking at the iris, every shape, distance, and size is somehow related. If you see the image below, what it shows you is that the size of the iris determines the ideal size for the distance from the eyelid margin to the bottom of the eyebrow, the width of the nose, the distance the ears protrude from the side of the head, the height of the lower lip, and the distance from the bottom of the nose to the top of the lip.
We originally found support for this theory in the first article Dr. Young published in 2006 in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, "Circles of Prominence, A New Theory on Facial Aesthetics." This was originally presented at a meeting organized by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Boca Raton, Florida in 2005. We further did another study that we conducted in 2014 which culminated in another presentation at the American Brazilian Aesthetic Meeting in Park City, Utah February 2015. You can see our presentation here: New Theory on Facial Beauty: Ideal Dimensions in the Face and its application to your practice
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Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC