Blepharoplasty | Eyelid Lift
By USC LA Beverly Hills Trained, Award Winning Author of New Theory on Beauty, Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Philip Young MD & State University of New York Trained, , Published Clinical Researcher & Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel MD
Our Featured Testimonials for Dr. Tarak Patel
“Their attention and care for me throughout the process made this one of the best decisions I've ever made. He gets my highest recommendations, as many referrals as I can direct and my heartfelt gratitude and respect. Thanks Dr P!" D.B.


Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.
Our Featured Testimonials for Dr. Philip Young
“Dr. Young knows his stuff. He answered every question and concerns that I had during our consultation. It definitely gave me lots more confidence before having my procedure. It’s definitely worth speaking with Dr. Young if you are planning on getting cosmetic surgery.” J.W.
Blepharoplasty otherwise known as “Eyelid Lift” is a procedure that can involve only the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both (quadruple blepharoplasty). Drooping of the eyelids can be the result of excess skin (dermatochalasia), excess fat, or displacement of fat downwards as we age. This can result in an aged or tired appearance. Sometimes the upper eyelids are very droopy and there is a significant amount of excess skin that vision can be affected. If this is the case further in depth evaluation is required. Ptosis or Blepharoptosis is a condition where the upper eyelid is droopy as a result of weakness or attenuation of the muscle that elevates the eye (Levator Palpebrae Superioris) or possible a neurological condition. This condition has to be evaluated at the time of your eyelid consultation and may need to be treated as well. The lower eyelid can be weak as well, or lax. Laxity of the lower eyelid needs to be evaluated and treated if necessary. During your consultation with our Plastic surgeon Dr. Patel or Dr. Young a detailed examination will be performed to determine what type of procedure or procedures you will need to achieve the desired effect.
How much does a Blepharoplasty cost?
The total cost of surgery usually includes 3 main components;
1. Surgeon’s fee
2. Facility/Hospital fee and
3. Anesthesia fees.
Fees may be given to you as separate or all included.
Price for procedures can vary based on many factors. The average price for an eyelid lift in this area can range from $3000 -$7500. (this is an estimation, every case is unique and have different levels of complexity, whether and upper or lower eyelid lift is performed or possibly a “quad bleph” which is upper and lower eyelid lifts combined.) Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Patel or Dr. Young will determine what you need to achieve your desired goals.
How do I prepare for Blepharoplasty surgery?
Safety is the number one priority with any surgery. In preparation for your Blepharoplasty surgery you should have your expectations and desired outcomes set, your medical and surgical history reviewed as well as any medications you are taking. All this is completed during the consultation with our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Tarak Patel or Dr. Young. Most importantly medications that thin your blood can increase bleeding risk during or after your facelift surgery. Some over the counter medications or herbal medications may also contribute to blood thinning and increase bleeding risk. Your blood pressure should be controlled prior to and after your surgery. During your consultation and physical exam, these medications will be reviewed and discussed in more detail with regards to stopping them. Sometimes, these medications may involve consulting your primary care provider on whether this is safe to do or not.
What is the postoperative care after Blepharoplasty?
After your surgery, our plastic surgeon Dr. Patel or Dr. Young will contact you and keep a close follow up during the initial phase. Instructions regarding wound care, and postoperative medications will be reviewed with you in detail. Monitoring of your progress after surgery is very important. Cool compresses can help with swelling and bruising. Arnica may be of benefit for bruising. Complications although uncommon can occur early or later in the postoperative course. We encourage patients to contact us immediately if there are any concerns after surgery.
What are the possible complications after Blepharoplasty surgery?
Wound breakdown
Loss of skin
Altered sensation to the area
Dry eye
Risks of the procedure are outlined above and will be discussed with you in detail at the time of your consultation. Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Patel and Dr. Young encourage you to have questions ready and are always available to answer questions regarding your safety in terms of procedure and anesthetic risks.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC