Breast Augmentation | Implants Costs and Pricing
University of Washington Trained, Published Clinical Researcher Dr. Ludwig Allegra:

Before - Breast Augmentation with Round Saline Implants and Arm Pit Auxillary Liposuction

After - 5 months after Breast Augmentation with Round Saline Implants and Arm Pit Auxillary Liposuction
Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.
The above before and after is only 11 days after the procedure. The patient had Breast Implants and Axillary | Armpit Liposuction as well. She is currently having some temporary skin darkening that happens in all dark skinned patients.
Click here to see our Breast Augmentation Video by Dr. Allegra
Breast Implant | Augmentation Costs and Pricing by Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery and Dr. Ludwig Allegra MD: The cost for Breast Implants is around 3-5 thousand dollars for the surgeons fee. The total pricing will have also facility fees and anesthesia costs added on to this. This is usually based on an hourly rate for the facility and anesthesia fees. The facility fees start at 800-1200 for the first hour and then 400-600 for each additional hour. The anesthesia fees are from 350-500 for the first hour and then 200-350 for each additional hour. Total pricing for Breast Augmentation is in the range of 5000-10000.
What factors iProuence Breast Implant | Augmentation Pricing Costs:
Costs may vary based on implant manufacturers and types of implants used. Gel or Silicone implants are more expensive than saline implants. Shaped or Anatomic implants (teardrop) cost more than Round ones. Regional differences can impact pricing. Costs for Breast implants in the middle of the country in rural areas will be much lower than pricing that will occur in large metropolitan areas. Also the Plastic Surgeon's reputation will impact pricing. Someone more well known will likely be busier. The demand goes up for this particular plastic surgeon's procedures. With higher demand, pricing goes up as well. Sometimes, there are situations where your pricing may increase based on your anatomy which may require more work. In addition, sometimes Breast Implants may not be your only answer and Breast lifting may be required to get you the best results. In this case, your pricing can be increased.
Does pricing include follow up care?
Pricing usually includes a reasonable amount of follow up care. Follow up is not usually everyday for a year. There are set times that we usually have people come back. Post procedure day 1, and 6-7 are usual time points. Then we usually see you 4-5 weeks later and then 5-6 months later. If there are any concerns, we will have you come in more often.
How long does the pricing | costs last:
When you come in for your consultation, you will receive a quote for your procedure. These quotes last for 90 days from the day of your consultation. After this time point, you may need another quote that is more up to date. Pricing and the economic climate usually dictate pricing as well. After 90 days, based on these factors your pricing | costs can change.
Revisional Policy:
FINANCIAL POLICY REGARDING REVISION AND COMPLICATIONS As you have been, or will be, advised, no plastic surgeon can guarantee a specific result. From time to time, some patients may require additional surgery to deal with revisions or complications. In cosmetic procedures, there are certain problems that are unavoidable regardless of quality of the care provided and diligence exercised by the doctor and his/her team. Examples of problems that a patient may encounter include bleeding and/or an unfavorable scar after a surgical procedure. In both of these cases, the patient may require additional surgery, either on an emergency basis (as in the case with bleeding) or an elective basis (as in the case of scarring). We hope that no complication arises and no revisionary surgery becomes necessary in your case. However, no plastic surgeon can make such a guarantee to any of his or her patients. It is important for the patient undergoing an elective surgical procedure to understand that surgical revisions and complications may result in additional costs. Revisions within six (6) months from the original procedure date will not incur additional physician fee; but facility, anesthesia and other fees and costs shall be the sole responsibility of the patient. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any revisions after six (6) months of the original procedure date will incur all standard fees and costs. If you have any questions regarding this policy, our office staff would be happy to discuss it with you.
What is your policy for deposits and cancellations?
The following is our Deposit | Fee | Cancellation Policy: DEPOSIT | FEE | CANCELLATION POLICY
Procedures: There are two choices with your Deposit: 1.) A non-refundable fee in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500) will be collected at the time you schedule your surgery or C02 laser treatment. This fee will be applied towards the total costs of your surgery, which shall be collected in full at the time of your pre-op appointment (two weeks prior to your surgery date). If you choose to cancel your surgery for any reason before your pre-op appointment, then the $500 fee will remain nonrefundable but may be applied to future surgery/procedure or $250 of it can be applied to products, all within the next year from the time you place your deposit. 2.) A refundable fee of 20% that then becomes subject to the following that will apply to your full payment that is made 2 weeks before your procedure:
- A. If you decide to cancel or reschedule your surgery within two (2) weeks of your surgery date, you will be responsible to pay thirty percent (30%) of the total costs of the procedure.
- B. If you cancel or reschedule your surgery less than seven (7) days before the day of the procedure, you will be charged fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of the procedure.
- C. After your procedure, there are no refunds given. For non-surgical treatments, including injectable or other laser treatments, all fees and costs must be paid in full on day of treatment. There will be a return check fee in the amount of thirty-five dollars ($35) for all returned checks.
If you have any questions regarding our financial or refund policy, feel free to ask our Patient Care Coordinator or Office Manager.
Cancellation Policy for appointments | in-office procedures:
Injectibles (Botox | Dysport, Fillers): The no show fee for these appointments is $100. Follow-ups, skin care treatments, consultations: The no show fee for these appointments is $50. There is a 48-hour cancellation policy for all providers at AFPS for all appointments. If we are not informed of you cancellation before 48 hours before your appointment you will be charged the cancellation fee.
Breast Implant Recovery Photo Diary Below:
Breast Augmentation Recovery: We want to take care of the most important part of our practice and that is you. Everything we do is somehow related to taking care of you and our Patient Care. Most all of the content in this website is based on patients asking us questions. One for example is the following healing diary. People want to know what to expect. So we thought that the best way to do this is through a healing diary as seen below. We are here for you! Please reach out to us any time to ask some questions regarding Breast Implant Surgery here: Contact Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery.
You can come back to our website to see more follow up pictures | images of her recovery!
Patient 1: 21 year old healthy female (5"4 and 130 lbs) with B cup breasts wished to have her breasts larger with more fullness in the upper part of her breast. During the physical exam we found that she had flat breasts at the top or lack of fullness in the upper breast region termed the "Upper Pole". Her left breast was larger than the right, with the right nipple lower than the left. After trying on different sizes in our office, she requested a full C or D cup. We then followed this with a detailed discussion regarding aesthetic results and expectations. A Breast Enhancement with Round Saline Implants was performed.
Below the Muscle Pocket (Under the Pectoralis Muscle) Placement of Smooth Round Saline Moderate Profile Implants (The Right had 410 cc and the Left had 380 cc infused into the Round Saline Implants for correction of the asymmetry)
Below is a Before Breast Augmentation

Before Breast Augmentation Front View

Right Oblique Side
Below is a DAY 1 After Breast Augmentation

Day 1 After Front View

Day 1 After Right Oblique View
Patient 2: Early 50’s healthy female (5"9 and 150 lbs) who was interested in replacing her 300cc saline implants over 20 years ago which have “bottomed out” or sag. She desired larger breasts with an exchange of her implants to silicone. She was told that larger implants would reverse the sagging. However, it was determined that a breast lift was required to achieve a better aesthetic outcome. The procedure performed was Aesthetic Breast Revision.
Removal of Saline Implants | Implant Exchange Replacement to Silicone to Larger Silicone Smooth Round Implants Breast Lift | Inverted T Mastopexy
Before Surgery
Before Surgery Right Lateral View
Before Surgery Left Oblique View
After Surgery
After Surgery
Right Lateral View
Left Oblique View
Day 3 After Surgery
Day 3 After Surgery
Day 3 Right Lateral View
Day 3 Left Oblique View
Day 7 After Surgery
Day 7 After Surgery
Day 7 Right Lateral View
Day 7 Left Oblique View

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC