Facelift | Neck Lift | Rhytidectomy | Minilift
Dr. Patel & Dr. Young of Bellevue
Presented by Seattle Bellevue's Beverly Hills Trained, Founder of a New Theory on Beauty Dr. Philip Young & University of Washington Trained Dr. Tarak Patel. Together we have performed over 1300 face neck lifts and have over 19 years of experience in face and neck lifting.
Look Less Tired and Rejuvenated with a More Youthful Appearance through a Face or Neck Lift
Our Featured Testimonials for Dr. Tarak Patel
“I have been under the knife several times with some very well known plastic surgeons and I would recommend Dr. Patel over any of them. I wouldn't hesitate to have ANY procedure done with him in the future. I would recommend this surgeon to anyone looking for a good result. " M.F.
Our Featured Testimonials for Dr. Philip Young
“I was drawn to Dr. Young by his clear vision of facial beauty and his skill and experience with bringing beauty to the faces of his patients. I have had four facial procedures performed by him. I trust Dr. Young’s state-of-the-art, safe and effective techniques.” S.C.
Click here to see more Testimonials for Dr. Tarak Patel and Dr. Philip Young

Before Dr. Patel

After Dr. Patel
Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Before Dr. Patel

After Dr. Patel
Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Before Dr. Patel

After Dr. Patel
Note: Individual results will vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.
Facelift otherwise known as Rhytidectomy is a procedure that generally involves tightening the skin of the face and the underlying tissues called the SMAS (also known as the Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System). The procedure can be performed many different ways, and there are many variations. Terms such as mini facelift, or short scar facelift are essentially interchangeable. Techniques may vary in effort to achieve a tighter facial appearance. Facelifts may be performed in difference planes such the superficial (subcutaneous) and deep plane (under the SMAS layer). A necklift can be in conjunction with a facelift, some practices may consider this as a separate procedure.
How much does a Facelift | Necklift cost?
The total cost of surgery usually includes 3 main components;
1. Surgeon’s fee
2. Facility/Hospital fee and
3. Anesthesia fees.
Fees may be given to you as separate or all included.
Price for procedures can vary based on many factors. The average price for an upper Facelift | Necklift | Rhytidectomy in this area can range from $4000 -$12000. (this is an estimation, every case is unique and have different levels of complexity that may affect the price, our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Patel or Dr. Young will determine what you need to achieve your desired goals).
How do I prepare for Facelift or Necklift surgery?
Safety is the number one priority with any surgery. In preparation for your Facelift | Necklift surgery you should have your expectations and desired outcomes set, your medical and surgical history reviewed as well as any medications you are taking. All this is completed during the consultation with our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Patel or Dr. Young. Most importantly medications that thin your blood can increase bleeding risk during or after your facelift surgery. Some over the counter medications or herbal medications may also contribute to blood thinning and increase bleeding risk. High blood pressure is another risk factor for bleeding or hematoma after a face or necklift procedure. Your blood pressure should be controlled prior to and after your surgery. During your consultation and physical exam, these medications will be reviewed and discussed in more detail with regards to stopping them. Sometimes, these medications may involve consulting your primary care provider on whether this is safe to do or not.
What is the postoperative care after Facelift or Necklift surgery?
After your facelift, our plastic surgeon Dr. Patel or Dr. Young will contact you and keep a close follow up during the initial phase. Instructions regarding wound care, drain care and postoperative medications will be reviewed with you in detail. Monitoring of your progress after surgery is very important. Complications although uncommon can occur early or later in the postoperative course. We encourage patients to contact us immediately if there are any concerns after surgery.
What are the possible complications after Facelift or Necklift surgery?
Wound breakdown
Loss of skin
Facial nerve injury
Altered sensation to the area
Contour irregularity
Risks of the procedure are outlined above and will be discussed with you in detail at the time of your consultation. Our Plastic Surgeon Dr. Patel and Dr. Young encourage you to have questions ready and are always available to answer questions regarding your safety in terms of procedure and anesthetic risks.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC