Gummy Bear Implants and Teardrop Shape Implants
By University of Washington Trained, Published Clinical Researcher, & Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ludwig Allegra MD of Bellevue Washington
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Gummy bear implants refer to silicone breast implants that are filled with gel that is highly cross-linked and cohesive. If the implant shell is injured or cut the gel inside tends to remain together rather than leak everywhere like liquid. The term is associated with shaped or teardrop implants or anatomic implants. However there are round implants in the market that are filled with more cohesive gels as well. In terms of feel of the implant they tend to be more firm then lesser cohesive gel implants. In terms of look they can produce a more natural appearance in certain candidates.
The Teardrop shaped implants are designed to be closer to the form and shape of the natural breast (more fullness of the lower pole and some upper pole). They are available as silicone or saline filled, the silicone type is more commonly used. The Teardop (anatomic) shaped implants are textured or rough on the outside which helps to reduce malposition or shifting of the implant. Malposition of the implant can result in asymmetries in the breast because the implant dimensions are not round. Meticulous dissection of the pocket is important with these shaped implants due to shifting. This is dependent on the plastic surgeon’s technique.
Cost of a teardrop shaped implant device is more than a round implant. The surgeon’s fee may vary or may not.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC