Liposuction Recovery
Recovery of liposuction is tolerated quite well. The incisions are small, however you will feel some pain and discomfort. There is swelling and bruising afterwards. The swelling should subside within the first week or two. The incisions are small and generally are not bothersome. A compression garment is worn post-operatively, this helps with some of the discomfort. The garment should be worn as much as possible. The results of liposuction may take a few months to develop and it takes time for the skin to recoil or adjust to the newly contoured area. We encourage you to walk around after liposuction, but not to engage in heavy activities. Generally patients can go back to work or daily routine after a week. Dr. Allegra will assess your recovery in follow up visits and monitor your progress.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC