Out of Town Consultation
We have had many people from around the world travel to see us including Syria, Dubai, China, Korea, Japan, Australia, England, Canada, the Netherlands and Singapore. We are very accustomed to helping our patients who come from Out of Town. We created this page to help facilitate your consultation. For our Out of Town Consultations, we use Skype, Facetime, or Google Chat. Through these avenues, we can do most of your preparation that you will need. We would love to have you come visit us for a personal face to face consultation. However, we understand how hard it is to make it in for consultations and all of the other appointments that you'll need to get ready for your procedure.
In order to get the most out of your Out of Town Consultations, taking the right pictures is perhaps the most important thing we'll need to carry out the best assessment. You can follow this link to find out more on how to take the pictures we need for the consultation here: Photos for Consultation.

In order for us to be efficient during your consultation we would like you to fill out this patient consultation form that you can find here: Patient Forms along with the photos that we just discussed. On the day of your consult, our patient care coordinators will meet with you first to start the process and introduce you to the practice, etc. You will then meet your doctor to go over all of your thoughts and questions about the procedures you are interested in. With your permission, the Doctor will morph pictures for you to assess. The initial morphed pictures will be a starting point. We will spend more time morphing your pictures to fully understand what you are wanting to achieve. Most of the time you will likely go through this morphing process 3 times before your procedure. Once during your consultation, another time during your pre procedure appointment, and on the day of your procedure.
During your out of town consultation, we will spend a lot of time trying to understand all of your thoughts about the results you want. Communication is really important and we want to hear and understand you as much as possible. We will find out your preferences for details about your results. For example, we will find out if you would rather err on the side of a smaller breast or a larger breast based on the initial size that you choose. We want to find out what is in your comfort zone. The more preferences we find out from you, the more likely you will be happy after your procedure. Most of this can be related to your morphed pictures and through this we will get a clearer picture of your ideas.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC