Patient Conduct
Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery Patient Conduct Page Bellevue Seattle
Our Policy:
Every patient will be informed of their responsibilities and expected conduct while here as a patient at Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery.
Our Purpose:
To assure each patient understands their responsibilities to the health care providers at Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery.
Our Procedure:
Patients coming to Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery will be made aware of their responsibilities and expected conduct while undergoing treatment | procedures | office appointments.
These are the responsibilities, conduct, participation are as follows here at Aesthetic Facial Body Plastic Surgery:
1. To provide the healthcare providers with information about any past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other health matters.
2. To inform the healthcare provider of any Living Will/Advanced Directives and provide a copy.
3. To ask questions if you do not understand instructions or explanations given by the healthcare providers and/or staff.
4. To keep appointments as scheduled and to telephone the staff in case of a cancellation.
5. To follow healthcare providers instructions and plan of treatment.
6. To provide a responsible adult to drive you to and from the office for a sedated procedure.
7. To provide a 24 hour caregiver to stay with you after a procedure, if it is necessary.
8. To make payments for service rendered if a balance remains after insurance pays.
9. To discuss consequences of refusing treatment or not adhering to plan of treatment or leaving “against medical advice” (AMA), with your physician.
10. To refuse to participate in experimental research.
11. To refuse to allow care from a student or trainee.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC