Ruptured Breast Implants & Revision Seattle Belllevue
Ruptured Breast Implants & Revision: By University of Washington Trained, Published Clinical Researcher & Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ludwig Allegra MD.
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Ruptured Breast Implants Revision
Breast Implants can rupture a variety of ways, some may be spontaneous or by trauma. Both saline and silicone (gel) implants can rupture.
Silicone (gel) Implant Rupture & Revision
The newer generation silicone implants have improved technology in the gel filler and barrier or shell of the implant. Rupture can still occur they may be subtle or rupture that occur within the implant with no frank leak of gel to the surrounding breast. Some of the gels are more cohesive meaning they are more “sticky” like a “gummy bear” where even with severe rupture the gel still maintains a good shape and can minimize silicone leakage into the breast. Silicone implant ruptures can be silent or undetected clinically by the patient. These can be detected best by MRI where a “linguine sign” may be noted. If an implant shows evidence of rupture it should be replaced. The FDA recommends a MRI 3 years after silicone implant placement and every 2 years thereafter to monitor for silent ruptures.
Saline Implant Rupture Revision
Saline (salt water) implants can rupture. Usually these are clinically detectable by noticing a size difference on the ruptured side. The leaks can be slow or fast. The saline is absorbed by the body and generally has no adverse effect. If a saline implant has ruptured it should be replaced.
Our plastic surgeon will go over in more detail regarding rupture of breast implants during your consultation for primary breast augmentation or breast revision if a rupture has occurred.

Philip Young MD, Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery PLLC